Thursday was not a very good day for me. I didn't have a bad day really. I just went crazy with the eating! We had a very stressful busy day at work. I had to work late, and my kids ate pizza at my mother's house. She sent the leftover pizza home with us. Of course, not wanting to be bothered with cooking for myself, I ate the pizza. I ate a lot of pizza. About an hour later, I fell asleep in the recliner. I dragged myself out there to go to bed at 9.
I'm not beating myself up over my bad choices. I know I could have done better (I snacked at work too). Today is a new day! I'm sure my binges of yesterday will erase any progress that I've made this week, but that's ok. I have to pick myself up and start again.
On a side note, it's snowing like crazy here. Is spring ever going to come? I suppose the snow is better than the steady rain....sorta.
Hope you all have a good day! I'm going to try harder today!
hey kelly just dicovered your blog (from fatmomma2)and wanted to drop by and show some support. i'm tryin to lose my last 50 and i know how hard it is (lost 75) just forget about yesterday and know that today is a new day and you CAN do anything you set your mind to!