Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bad, bad weekend

Yesterday I didn't even bother with a weigh-in. I didn't really want to see what the scale had to say. I knew it wouldn't be good or do anything to boost my mood. So why bother?

Yes, I fell off the wagon, and I fell hard. I've spent the last several days immersed in emotional eating. I'm disappointed in myself, but I am more frustrated at my inability to fix what is wrong with my life. I'm tired of walking on eggshells around here. I'm tired of compartmentalizing my life. I just want to be happy.

I am not sure how to do anything about what is wrong. It's hard enough to keep yourself on the right track, but it's nearly impossible to do it for someone else too. I just want to make the best of what I have. I don't have a choice really. This is the hand I've been dealt. My choices are to find a way to live with it, or I can stay as miserable as I am now.

I really have to learn to concentrate on me. If I fall apart, then everything else does.

Sorry for being so depressing. I just have had a bad few days. I can't believe that I would rather be at work, but I sure as hell would!

I need to jump back on the wagon.


  1. sorry to hear you're in a rough patch. just remember you deserve to be happy and healthy and anyone who cares about you will want that too. sometimes the hardest thing is just to put yourself first as rupaul says "if you can't love yourself , how the hell you gonna love someone else?" good luck! xoxoxoxoxoxo

  2. Thanks, Timothy. I promised myself that this was my year to put myself first, but it sure is a struggle. I'm in a more positive place than I was yesterday. I need to find something to replace emotional eating! Thanks again for being so supportive!

  3. we're neighbors i live in de! so i understand about the weather, it's been a horrible winter. gotta get out myself more. have a great day!

  4. hey hon just checkin in you haven't posted in a bit and i just wanted to give you a greeting (HOWDY) and some cheer (WOO HOO!) have a great weekend!

  5. Thanks, Timothy. I am doing alright. I feel pretty good. I just am frustrated with my lack of motivation. It was a stressful week, but it wasn't a bad stress if that makes any sense lol. There was just a lot of stuff happening. I'm not beating myself up over it though. I'm just going to pick myself up off the ground, and realize that today is a new day. Have a great weekend!!
